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Scrum Master Roles  &  Responsibilities

Facilitating Agile Ceremonies

Empowers the team to self-organize and make informed decisions within these sessions.

Guardian of Scrum Principles

Upholds agile values, guiding the team towards continuous improvement and adherence to Scrum framework.

Servant Leadership

Prioritizes the team's needs, acting as a mentor, coach, and facilitator and fosters a culture of trust, empowerment.

Coach and Mentor

Coaches the team in agile practices, helping them understand the principles behind the processes. Mentors individuals on self-management and collaboration.

Communication Facilitator

Ensures clear, transparent communication channels between the team and stakeholders.

Champion of Continuous Improvement

Encourages the team to reflect on their practices, identify areas for improvement, and experiment with innovative solutions.

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Learn More About Scrum Masters  Coach2Reach India